Friday, May 21, 2010


in search of something special, i cooked up another batch of stout last night. a coffee oatmeal stout to be more specific. the fermentation is running wild right now, and the blow off smells pretty tasty. i think i pitched the yeast too hot, but it doesn't seem to care. the raspberry brown ale will probably bottled tomorrow. it's weird. i'm curious to taste it finished. hope mom likes it. the red i bottled last friday is coming along, and a few more days should do it good. friend clay staley brought over a bottle of rogue john john ale last night, but his boss called and said we couldn't drink it. bummer.

probably the only bottle in nebraska. next up is an altered version of the juniper lime pale ale which will involve moving away from the sahti style and more towards the american pale ale. although i would like to make a traditional sahti soon. after that i promised beer enthusiast katie claus a surprise batch upon her return home from spain. a surprise it shall be.


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