Friday, May 21, 2010


in search of something special, i cooked up another batch of stout last night. a coffee oatmeal stout to be more specific. the fermentation is running wild right now, and the blow off smells pretty tasty. i think i pitched the yeast too hot, but it doesn't seem to care. the raspberry brown ale will probably bottled tomorrow. it's weird. i'm curious to taste it finished. hope mom likes it. the red i bottled last friday is coming along, and a few more days should do it good. friend clay staley brought over a bottle of rogue john john ale last night, but his boss called and said we couldn't drink it. bummer.

probably the only bottle in nebraska. next up is an altered version of the juniper lime pale ale which will involve moving away from the sahti style and more towards the american pale ale. although i would like to make a traditional sahti soon. after that i promised beer enthusiast katie claus a surprise batch upon her return home from spain. a surprise it shall be.


Sunday, May 16, 2010


thanks to my new spring loaded bottling wand, i was able to bottle the red ale in no time flat! so much time in fact i was able to go to the moon with cameron. the crescent moon. later that night i began brewing the raspberry brown ale i promised my mother as a present. the state of mind i was in can only be described as mad scientist. after adding the raspberries moments ago here is how things are looking....

i am forgoing an amber ale so i can begin perfecting a coffee stout recipe. it will not be like the last one because this is homebrewing and i am trying to create an original formulation, but you'd be a fool to think i would ruin two of my greatest joys in life. the same process will be occurring with the juniper lime pale soon enough.


Sunday, May 9, 2010


due to an overwhelming amount of misfortune this last week, i was unable to brew, or hang out with dirk. my kitchen sink is busted, the jeep is in the shop, and morale is low. all i can do is roll with the punches i suppose. the week wasn't all bad though...the lucky bucket ipa is finally in bottles and on i bought a case.

i felt i owed zac triemert a little something as well so at the cinco de ipa party at dante pizzeria i gave him a sixer of various homebrews. hopefully he will still be into the idea of having me intern over the summer in a few weeks.

as far as brewing plans go, i need to bottle that red ale soon, then make the raspberry nut brown ale, and eventually an amber ale.


Monday, May 3, 2010


after thinking about it two seconds, i'm brewing up another batch of goodness friday. summer is here, and i need something sweet, refreshing.... and what will be a late mothers day present: raspberry nut brown ale. this will be made completely with scraps from the last few concoctions. should end up somewhere close to a lambic, since i plan on using about three pounds of fruit. me and dirk (seen here):

are going to have nice calm evening after a hard days work at whole foods. maybe the rothenberg's will stop by too... or maybe i'll just have work homebrew party...whatever. i'd rather make beer than study on a friday after work. just saw a squirrel with a red tail. weird. hope rudy murders it like all those bunnies. speaking of red, the homebrew day batch of red ale is looking mighty fine....

Sunday, May 2, 2010


hope everyone had an enjoyable national hombrew day...i know i lost my mind somewhere between eleven and midnight.
to celebrate i brewed up a hoppy american red ale. i don't know if the red color will come through, but the hops will without a doubt. the only problem i ran into last night was forgetting to take a specific gravity reading, which only means i won't know the alcohol content. wouldn't bother me normally, but this was third time in a row i've made this mistake. whatever. friday night i bottled up my summer wheat ale, and even without carbonation it is a tasty batch. so currently i have a coffee stout, a juniper pale ale, and the summer wheat, all bottled up, though the latter two need more time to condition. finally establishing the pipeline. don't know what's next....i'll probably just start formulating recipes for fall and winter.
I live in Omaha.