Saturday, September 27, 2008


i drank this last night...

it was really yummy.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

life's too good...

first of all, i'd like to wish my good friend, jerad tomasino, a wonderful birthday.
for his birthday some of his friends (including myself) recorded cover's of some of his incredible songs.  if you'd like to hear mine send me an instant message (alexvanbeaumont) or whatever.  i even do something like singing in it....

moving on....
it was brought to my attention that i had spelled the word 'business' wrong in my little play on the word...i'd like to attribute my lack of english skills to my class selection over the last couple of years....i haven't taken a straight english class in over three years...though i did take some literature i'm not a total loss....anyways the problem is fixed both in my header and url so yeah....

today has been awesome....
i skipped my one class, and woke up a little before noon, at which time i proceeded to begin making burritos to freeze for consumption at a later date, while listening to old episodes of 'this american life'. nothing like spending the majority of day cooking.  if you've never listened to npr, you should give it a shot.  there are some really great, interesting programs such as 'this american life'.  

looking ahead, tonight two of the greatest shows gracing television currently will be on back to back.  the office and it's always sunny in philadelphia.  start watching.

if you read my shitty blog, you most likely read joe's.
i'd like to take this moment to agree with his thoughts on ben kweller.
country the real way.
i can't wait to see him in october, and then invite him over for a party/sing-a-long.

well that's all for now,
hope you're having a good day.


Thursday, September 18, 2008

oh boy....

what have joe and i gotten into now?
this can't be good....
oh well.

my blog is probably just going to involve battling joe's blog....just kidding....but seriously.
i'll probably just talk about music, adventures, and other avbuisness.

things i plan to do this fall include:
- visiting nebraska city and arbor day farm
- visiting vala's pumpkin patch (multiple times)
- visiting the zoo
- rocking my classes
- raking leaves
- enjoying the smell of the air
- voting for barack obama
- working too much at whole foods
- spending time with good friends

this has been a weirdy week, including all nighters, half all nighters, too much coffee, not enough coffee, bottling my first home-brewed hard cider, drinking cider (of all kinds), and some other weirdy stuff.

anyways i feel like i'm on the home stretch now, and i'm really excited for this weekend.
bloop bleep blop bloop.

alexander william van beaumont iii

I live in Omaha.